
Download t3cp


Download t3cp test and full license version 2.2 here
Version, see more Versions here

MSI-Setup for t3cp - Latest version on request to  - see also Version Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein!

 ClickOnce for t3cp

t3cp starter - executable, no Installation (portable)

Please install the "Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package (x86)" if not already done
For installation on MS Windows 8, 10 and 11 please note: T3CP und Windows 8
For installation on MS Windows 7 and before: MS .NET Framework 4 required.

ZIP file

Requirements (only relevant for old MS Windows versions):
Please install the "Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package (x86)" if not already done


Price list
Perpetual license - Full license for one single machine: € 750,- plus VAT 19%  in Germany   (dedicated for one machine / CPU, including management of job chains)

Rent for one year - Company license for 5 users  or machines: First year € 850,- , following years € 595 plus VAT 19% in Germany   (dedicated for one company, including management of job chains, incl. support)
Perpetual license - Company license for 5 users  or machines: € 1950,- plus VAT 19% in Germany   (dedicated for one company, including management of job chains, 1 year support)

Version 2.2 with new features:
- Download huge data content in packages using rfc_read_data supported

Version 2.1 with new features:
- Data Extraction from SAP queries (also quickviews)
- Task Scheduler to implement periodic data extraction tasks
- Job Chains (full license)



